Further reading
If you have a book recommendation for this page please get in touch. Some books may now be out of print, but used copies are often available online.
Copies of our journal The Wallpaper History Review are also on sale on this site.
Key books
De Bruijn, E., Chinese Wallpaper in Britain and Ireland, National Trust, 2017
​Dodwell, C. R., (Foreword) A Decorative Art: 19th Century Wallpapers in the Whitworth Art Gallery, Greater Manchester Council, 1985
Hendon, Z., Wallpaper, Shire Publications, 2018
Hoskins, L., [ed], The Papered Wall: the History, Patterns and Techniques of Wallpaper, Thames & Hudson, 2005
Rosoman, T., London Wallpapers: their Manufacture and Use 1690–1840, Oxford University Press, 2010
Saunders, G., Wallpaper in Interior Decoration, V&A, 2002
Wells-Cole, A., Historic Paper Hangings from Temple Newsam and Other English Houses, Leeds City Art Galleries, 1983
Wells-Cole, A. & Walker, B., Wallpapers at Temple Newsam 1635 to the present, Leeds Art Fund, 2018
Additional resources
Ackerman, P., Wallpaper: its History, Design and Use, Heinemann, 1923
Anderson, J., Glorious Splendor: the 18th-Century Wallpapers in the Jeremiah Lee Mansion in Marblehead, Massachusetts, Donning Company, 2013
Andrews, W.D., 'The Cowtan Order Books, 1824–1938: an analysis of wallpaper and decorating records
and their use as historical sources' (PhD thesis, University of Cambridge)
Clouzot, H., Histoire du papier peint en France, FB&C Ltd (republished), 2018
Cooper Union Museum for the Arts of Decoration, Wallpaper: a Picture-book of Examples in the Collection of the Cooper Union Museum. New York. 1961
Crace, J.G., (Author) and Sugden A.V & Entwistle E.A. (Foreword) Crace, J. G., The Crace Papers: Two Lectures on the History of Paperhangings, 1839
De Bruijn, E., Bush A. P., Clifford, H., Chinese Wallpaper in National Trust Houses, National Trust, 2014
De Salvo, D., & Massie, A. (curation); Saunders, G. (essay) Apocalyptic Wallpaper, Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio State University, 1997
Ellis, L., 'I Believe in Wallpaper': Examining Salesmanship through The Wallpaper Magazine 1920–1939'
(MA dissertation, University of Brighton, 2019)
Entwisle, E.A., A Literary History of Wallpaper, Batsford, 1960
Entwisle, E.A., The Book of Wallpaper: a History and an Appreciation, Kingsmead Reprints, 1970
Fischer, C., Wallcoverings: Applying the Language of Color and Pattern. From the F. Schumacher & Co Collections, Universe, 2003
Fischer, J., Wallpaper - Tapeten - Papiers peints, Ullman. 2008
Greysmith, B., Wallpaper, Studio Vista, 1976
Hawksley, L., Bitten by Witch Fever: Wallpaper & Arsenic in the Victorian Home, Thames and Hudson, 2016
Jennings, A.S., Wallpapers and Wall Coverings, Trade Papers Publishing Co, 1903
Jennings, A.S., Wall-paper Decoration, Trade Papers Publishing Co, 1907
Hapgood, M.O., Wallpaper and the Artist: from Dürer to Warhol, Abbeville Press, 1992
Jaqué, B., Le Papier Peint: Decor d’Illusion, Editions Jean-Pierre Gyss, 1989
Kelly, R. M., The Backstory of Wallpaper: Paper-Hangings 1650–1750, WallpaperScholar.com, 2013
Khan, S., Paper Tapestry, Epsom Wells & The Origin of English Wallpaper 1680–1720, 2012
Koldeweij, E., The Marketing of Gilt Leather in Seventeenth-Century Holland, Print Quarterly, XIII, 1996
Kosuda-Warner, J., Kitsch to Corbusier: Wallpapers from the 1950s. Exhibition catalogue, Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution, New York, 1995
Kosuda-Warner, J., Landscape Wallcoverings, Scala, London; Cooper-Hewitt New York, 2001
Lawrence, D., 'Getting the decorators in: trade and practice c1850–1950', WHS website blog
Lynn, C., Wallpaper in America from the Seventeenth Century to World War I, Norton, 1980
Mapes, P., 'The English Wallpaper Trade 1750–1830'
(PhD thesis, University of Leicester)
Nouvel-Kammerer, O., (Ed) French Scenic Wallpaper, 1795–1865, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris 1990; English ed. 2000
Nouvel-Kammeerer, O., (Ed) Wallpapers of France 1800–1850, Zwemmer, 1981
Nylander, R.C., et al, Wallpaper in New England, SPNEA, 1986
Nylander, R.C., Wallpapers for Historic Buildings, The Preservation Press, 1992
Oman, C.C., and Hamilton, J., Wallpapers: a History and Illustrated Catalogue of the Collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, V&A, 1982
Parry, L., ed., William Morris, Philip Wilson Publishers in association with the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1996
Sanborn, K., Old time wall papers; an account of the pictorial papers on our forefathers' walls, with a study of the historical development of wall paper making and decoration, Literary Collector Press, Greenwich, Conn.,1905
Saumarez Smith, C., Eighteenth-Century Decoration: Design and the Domestic Interior in England, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1993
Saunders, G., Woods, C., Heyse-Moore, D., Keeble, T. Walls Are Talking, The Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester & KWS Publishers, 2010
Schoeser, M., Sanderson: the Essence of English Decoration, Thames & Hudson, 2010​
Skinner, D., Wallpapers in Ireland 1700–1900, Churchill House Press, 2014
Stavenow-Hidemark, E. (ed.), New Discoveries, New Research, papers from the international wallpaper conference at the Nordiska Museet, Stockholm 2007. (2009).
Sugden, A.V., and Edmondson, J.L., A History of English Wallpaper; 1509–1914, Batsford 1926
Sugden, A.V., WPM: The Pattern of a Great Organisation, The Wallpaper Manufacturers Ltd, 1949
Sugden, A.V. and Entwisle, E. A., Potters of Darwen: a Century of Wallpaper Printing by Machinery 1839–1939, G. Falkner &Sons, 1939
Taylor, L. (foreword) Wallpaper in the Collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Design, Cooper-Hewitt Museum. New York, 1981
Teynac, L., et al, Wallpaper: a History, Thames and Hudson, 1982
Thibaut-Pomerantz, C., Wallpaper: a History of Style and Trends, Flammarion, 2009
Turner, M. et al, A Popular Art: British Wallpapers 1930–1960, Middlesex Polytechnic,1989
Velut, C., Murs de Papier 1798–1805, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2018
Ward, G.W,. Wall paper, its origin, development and manufacture, Pitman, 1922